Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Welcome to my blog!

Well hey there world!

This is like my fourth attempt at creating my own blog, I have always wanted to put myself out there whether it be by a blog or YouTube or even Instagram. I end up just falling back and watch everyone do what I dream to do. Ultimately, I want to be a stay at home mom or for now a stay at home dog mom! Anyways, let me introduce myself! I will keep my name anonymous, at least for a little while, but I am currently 26 years old & a newly wed who is learning so much on the daily. I love life and all it has to offer. I love my job and what I currently do but I have a desire to work from home and be able to be there especially when we have children. I love my sweet fur baby who I consider my child, which most fur mommas understand. I love to decorate, clean, organize, you name it. I just love it! One thing I do wish I loved to do more is cooking. It's just not my thing. Seeing how well my mom and my mawmaw did with cooking, I just assumed I would also be great at it and loved doing it. {Not so much}. I love clothes { I own wayyyyyy to many } I also love jewelry, handbags, anything that is fashion or beauty related... count me in! I do like to be creative and artistic which also leads me here.

Also I am blogging this to keep up with my journey of life of the married life, trying to start a family, & conquering my dreams. I have never considered myself a great writer or even someone who knows how to explain themselves. I just inspire to be a woman who can inspire you! So with that being said... WELCOME TO MY BLOG.